Nke_a privacy policy The program Nke_a (Android) is developed as a tool for detailed data on radionuclides properties retrieval. Though well-known Nuclide Charts (e.g. KARLSRUHER NUKLIDKARTE, Table Of Isotopes) and a lot of other programs give possibilities to obtain basic information on radioactive materials, NKE_a overcomes them when one requires quantitative information on the decaying or stable nuclide, especially if it concerns characteristics of the neutron reactions. This problem is especially important when samples are undergoing irradiation in neutron flux of experimental reactor channels to produce valuable isotopes. That's why NkeE_a was developed in the Division of Radionuclide Sources and Preparations of Federal State Unitary Enterprise "State Scientific Centre of Russia - Research Institute of Atomic Reactors". The program data are: element information; nuclear ground/metastable state properties (half-life and decay channels percentage); decay alpha, beta, gamma, electron, positron radiation information (spectra and lines); fission products yields (for various fissionable target nuclides); thermal neutron cross sections and resonance integrals (capture and fission); fission spectrum average threshold neutron reactions cross sections for (n,p),(n,a),(n,2n),(n,n') and (n,g) reactions. The present version of the program contains data on more than 3000 nuclides (approximately 3700 ground and metastable states). The data were mined from various public data bases. Having simple clear friendly user interface Nke_a is proposed to be widely used in both the most complex transmutation and isotope production problems solving (as a data source) and educational processes in the field of nuclear physics and others. Nke_a loads data from local binary file. No internet/phone connections required.